More DEW Disclosure-A Main Matrix Weapon


Havana Syndrome is actually brought to our attention years ago as a means of the light forces shining light on Directed energy weapons

to expose this critical aspect of the matrix designed to prevent starseeds from liberating earth, a lot of information is gathered in this article:

Of course until the cabal is removed they will still have a certain control of the media and will not let too many major leaks of key subjects out, so they will employ their usual tactics of pigeon holing subjects, blaming sources not responsible, etc.


  • (Additional Recent Articles)

A recent surge has returned to the mainstream on the subject, of course they blame Russia:

  • (Even though years ago they already stated its not a foreign enemy)

But its really the governments of the world and it's not just the CIA:

This is why they keep this process of finding the culprit a slow one:

Or stop the investigation all together:

Energy weapons have been leaked long before 2016 when so called Havanna Syndrome came about:


There is a huge misunderstanding in the awakened community where people think ringing in their is there spiritual guides talking to them,no.

Yes, light forces are connecting and trying to assist us, you don't have to worry about that element of the situation, but that is NOT why you are hearing a ringing in your ears

You are being targeted by a sonic based DEW in specific known as the LRAD:

Local Police are a major culprit and customer of LRADS which are produced by this company:

Another type is used to mess with your speech:

  • This is why people in the awakening community are notorious for fumbling over their words or forgetting what they are talking about.

If you ever get burns or rashes out of nowhere, its this type of DEW:

And this one is a main reason why people keep dying related to cardiac arrest: 

The Mysterious Fires over the years: 

DEW's may even the true reason for the challenger explosion years ago, disclosed  decades prior at the end of the first episode of the popular show Jonny Quest:

Next,sleep deprivation is a major means of mind control, I guarantee you 

  • (In order to confirm what I am telling you right now) 

the next time you try to take a nap, go to sleep at night or wake up in the middle of the night--- pay attention, you will hear the ringing.

  • A lot of people hear the ringing when they are doing something important especially for others, like many spiritual channels online they often say they hear a ringing.


Another key aspect of the technological aspect of the veil being exposed at this time is HAARP-which has a key role many do not know about yet:



The more we are aware of this the quicker it gets removed, you thinking the light is contacting you when its actually the matrix is a mistake that needs to be corrected immediately because as you would imagine that misunderstanding is derailing the liberation which is the precursor to the ascension- the whole reason we are all here.
