Recent HAARP exposure reaching Mainstream


A flurry of articles recently released into the mainstream:


Has confirmed what the resistance has been informing the awakening population of for years, that there exist a negative EM fence around the world lowering our vibration, and not long ago certain articles came out related to this:

The true purpose for HAARP is not weather modification its to block Tachyons from reaching earth:

Cobra Conference Notes:

 For 25,000 years, this planet has been isolated from the Source and the light forces. As the planet has been isolated from the energy of the Light so long,Pleiadians have introduced me the tachyon technologies. The Tachyon Chambers are to be able to receive these isolated tachyon energy. Tachyons are subatomic particles that are directly connected to the Light. They are the first particles created in the beginning of this cosmic cycle. For this reason, they are the highest vibration-frequency possible on the planet earth. The earth is surrounded by many layers of atmosphere. Among them, there is the ionosphere that filters cosmic rays.As tachyons travels with cosmic rays, and as you know, dark forces manipulate the ionosphere by HAARP project, the arrival of tachyons to the surface of the planet is blocked. For this reason, we have created tachyon chambers for healing humanity, and another special chamber to tachyonize materials to create tachyonized products.There is a special resonated crystal which is in the space station, that transmit tachyons through the hyperdimensional portal, so tachyons pass through the ionosphere.

  • The another layer of control is HAARP station. They are ionosphere heaters which are the technologies to prevent tachyons to reach the surface of the planet. The original one is in Alaska which is quite famous. This one (EISCAT) is also famous. Of course, these ones are everywhere around the world covering the whole planet. They use extremely low frequencies and radiations, or electromagnetic field to keep the vibration of the planet low.
  • Cobra was given instruction by the Pleiadeans many years ago to build with their technology to assist this transition with technology acceptable by humanity: tachyon technology.Cobra explain what tachyon particle is and why planet Earth is not receiving it -the Ionosphere around Earth absorb cosmic rays, Ionosphere absorb most cosmic rays that are relating to cancer, but the Dark Forces modify the Ionosphere with HAARP to heat it up so as to block tachyon from reaching earth surface.Need more tachyon chamber now to build a network to bring harmony and healing to the population, they also will channel Event energy."
  •  have mobile ones now. This network is creating very low frequencies in atmosphere, changing the structure of the sky, and blocking the light from anchoring to the surface of the planet. 
  •  The Dark forces have blocked most Tachyons from reaching the surface through their veil technology by charging the ionosphere. It is called HAARP. Some individuals can have direct access to Tachyons but it is very rare through one's own channel. It is not common even among spiritual people.
  • Tachyon chambers are a technology to obtain tachyons on the surface of the planet that do not enter.The ionosphere is also a barrier layer that Extraterrestrial races cannot enter.Tachyons were first created after the Big Bang.Tachyons are a higher energy that harmonizes the human body.There are two main types of tachyon chambers.One is a healing chamber to harmonize the human body.The other is a special chamber for tachyonizing matter.


So, by blocking pure source particles abundant in the universe from reaching humanity and cutting this planet off from the galactic sea of love and aura of the being that is the galaxy we are left with just a static field of extremely low vibration acting like a planetary wide refrigerator hum, which might actually covertly also be to create a environment easier for the lurker to seep into our reality, this is the ultimate goal behind transhumanism-to connect us with the lurker and this is why the lurker is called by certain sources the "AI-God":

Ultron Musk knows all about this:

Not coincidentally Tachyons reached the mainstream just prior to this "discovery" of HAARP as more than just a potential theory of existence but likely is a real particle:


Tachyons are the key to ascension and healing:





Part 2- For those rare people with willpower,autonomy and honor interested in more clarity & perspective.

Like many subjects about the matrix the common talk and understanding is usually surface level with the true deeper purpose almost always outside the awareness of the awakening population, 


you would imagine after all this time,resources and the amount of followers some of these sources have that they'd be on the money but it just isnt' the case in recent years especially(turns on this is b/c they are about the money not over the target):

One of the reasons people do not wake up to HAARP's real purpose is simply because they would naturally become aware of Tachyons in the process, like if you read this very article.

Tachyons are one of the key subjects to be aware of therefore as usual (unfortunately) the masses of the awakening population are allergic to true relevant information,

  • (Mainly from jealousy that they aren't the source revealing it, this is one reason why many big names have deteriorating personal situations over the years-If you ever wondered why certain well known individuals in the spiritual,truther or UFO communities never talk about Cobra this is one principle why-regardless of the benefits for the greater good.You may have noticed how void of substance many source's content has been for a long time now.) 

and the most helpful critical subjects are kept at tentacle length from their discovery due to lurker possession.


Knowing that same principle(key topics left in the dark) keep in mind there is only one source of true tachyon technology and that is Cobra the spokesperson for the resistance which is the light force group guiding all human positive factions under direct guidance of the Confederation, Central Races and Ascended Beings.

This is how Cobra can bring true beyond the veil knowledge directly into the matrix for the lightworkers to be informed of whats going on in order to apply the grand situation into their own mission so that we are not left in the dark and can be prepared.
