This contains evidence sequenced from the following media sources: Justice League Animated Series Cartoon Network's-Regular Show Cartoon. Marvel's-Loki Tv Series. Disney's-Up Up & Away Film. Universal's-Sliders. Nickelodeon's-Teenage Robot . Marvel's Orion Comics. Bethesda Games-Dishonored. Ghostbusters- Most Powerful Ghost The Article: Peeps_(character) The gum ball head guy in the regular show is the one who signed the contract with thebeing who represents the lurker: https://maplurker.blogspot.com/2024/02/regular-show-peeps.html In Loki (back to Loki later in article) a key aspect of the start of the series was gum: https://marvelcinematicuniverse.fandom.com/wiki/Kablooie (An Extra Gum Example) Up,_Up_and_Away_(film) bitchute.com/video It is interesting that his name(example above)is Quinn (A redhead who are most densely found in Ireland) Now, this Irish actor that many know Jerry_O'Connell , was a character called Quinn in a show called slider...